Noyce Scholars
Mission & Background
Also building on the experience of the original PETE grant, the Noyce Scholars grant was funded by NSF in September of 2002 for three years. The grant is designed to support undergraduates and graduate students specializing in mathematics and science to engage in action research projects associated with teaching in local public schools. The project creates research teams that engage undergraduates, graduate students, public school math and science teachers, and university faculty who act as mentors on the projects. The intent of the project is to increase the quality and quantity of teachers well prepared in mathematics and science, to develop communities of practice around teaching and research in teaching, and to create a mentoring program designed to support induction, retention, and increased research capacity among teachers of mathematics and science.

There are currently 19 Noyce Scholars (11 undergraduates and 8 graduates) supported by the grant, along with 12 school mentors and 12 university mentors. The first set of research projects was presented at the UTEP Student Research Expo in May 2003.
For more information, refer to the PETE website at