PETE Follow-Up Impact Study
Mission & Background
Funded in 2002, this 3-year grant supports a follow up study of an earlier NSF funded project, the Partnership for Excellence in Teacher Education (PETE). That grant, funded for 5 years and $5 million ended in 2002, and the follow up grant is a research and evaluation study of the impact of the original grant. The original PETE grant established a partnership for the reform of mathematics and science teacher preparation between UTEP’s College of Education, the College of Science, and El Paso Community College, and it had three additional components: improvement and redesign of the teacher preparation curriculum in math and science, recruiting and retaining more teachers in math and science, and enhancing the work of the community college and university teacher preparation faculty in mathematics, science, and education. The follow-up study is a longitudinal research and evaluation study of the impact of the earlier study, with a focus on the continuing professional development and retention of recently graduated teachers in mathematics and science.

The PETE Follow-Up Impact Study currently supports 12 Master’s level graduate students—all practicing teachers, who receive support from seven faculty members from the College of Education, the College of Science, and the College of Engineering.

For more information, refer to the PETE website at